Recent Donations

Generous donations from Imagination Library supporters.

In honor of In honor of In memory of In memory of For the occasion of Special Occasion
Date Name Amount Donation Type
23 Jun 2020 Lindsay A. USD 50.00
22 Jun 2020 Senior H. USD 500.00 In memory of
22 Jun 2020 Michael O. USD 50.00
22 Jun 2020 Liz L. USD 100.00 In memory of
22 Jun 2020 Brittany J. USD 25.00 In memory of
21 Jun 2020 Louise K. GBP 5.00
21 Jun 2020 Laura and Jamar M. USD 25.00 In memory of
21 Jun 2020 Erin M. CAD 100.00 In honor of
21 Jun 2020 Rebecca R. CAD 40.00 For the occasion of
21 Jun 2020 Brandi F. USD 25.00 In memory of
21 Jun 2020 Melissa M. USD 100.00 In honor of
21 Jun 2020 Katy W. USD 100.00